
i'm broke show me how to make money at home

We are Bill and Michelle Kenner and this is an honest review of our opinions that focuses on some popular online jobs of the year. If it’s online we tried it and we tried them all. there are so many, and I mean so many scams on the internet and we found out after using $2,879.50 in total of our own money. We are only reviewing three moderately popular online job programs this year to save others from disappointment and lots of their own money being wasted. I have to mention that these are not get rich quick schemes, you have to actually work and you can get paid reasonably by some, and not so reasonably by others, but none of them seem to make millions. So if you are looking for a million dollars for not working at all, you may want to try playing the state lottery.

The three online jobs of this year that we choose are http://www.fapturbo.com/, http://www.the-clickbnk-code.com/, and http://www.theoneweekmarketing.com/

http://www.fapturbo.com/ is up first, and it really screamed scam to me, promising wild results like turning $5100 into $40,000 in 30 days. My wife Michele however convinced me to try it since so many people were registering for it. So after coughing up $149.00 (which is way too expensive for what you get) I started on my way to make a fortune. I must admit that once you join and begin logging in, the process is simple and they really convince you that trading foreign exchange currency using their system is fool proof. Well we started with $500.00 dollars to invest and at the end of 30 days we had 612.16 cents, then we had to wait 3 weeks for it to sell to get the actual cash. The automatic system is really a joke; it simply follows trends but gives you advice when the trend is almost over. I found myself taking lots of risk for a mere 20 bucks. This forex trading stuff did not work for me although i will say that it is extremely fun to do, the numbers and the risk and the constant important decisions give you a rush. however so does nintendo 360 and i dont have to baby sit a nintendo all day. i spent 6 hours minimum per day watching this thing. as a video game its awesome, but as a means to feed your family its a waste of time.

Hello to all this is Michelle and Second in line is http://www.theoneweekmarketing.com/, and this program was very good to my surprise, the website is simple and easy to use, this online program shows you how to be a business owner and make money referring buyers that want certain products to the companies that sell the exact products they want. In return you get a commission fee of 25.00 to 75.00 dollars. I really like this one because Jennifer (which is the creator of the program) really lays it out for you, plain and simple. I joined for $47 bucks, which is chump change caperd to the fapturbo that bill tried. Once I got the materials I joined an affiliate company selling the chance to play poker online, they offered me 27.00 per person just for referring poker players and 47.00 if the played poker on their site. Then I used the marketing suggestions Jennifer outlines in the program. The fist 5 days I got nothing, but on day 6, five people went to the website and 4 of them played a few games of poker. And they dropped $323.00 into my acct. it all really makes since when you go over the program, you see gamblers gamble when they get paid and that’s why no one followed my marketing for the 5 days until Friday came. I continued to market online after I came home from work for a disciplined 3 hours everyday for 5 days. At the end of the 30days I made a grand total of $1574.00 and I referred a total of 42 people over that period. I actually enjoyed it so much I took it on permanently, so I’m still marketing everyday and have made about the same money every month give or take a little some months. It’s my little extra contribution to the home, plus I get to buy as many pairs of shoes I want now, lol. Bill and I differ on what’s good and what’s just mediocre, but in my opinion this one is the best for girls like me.

Ok, now on to a manlier program. There is http://www.thetwittweronlinesystem.com/, I admit that Michelle’s http://www.theoneweekmarketing.com/ is pretty good, but this one is on the next level, It has that savvy take no prisoners attitude. Plus I made some good cash with this one. Michael Jones is the creator and this one is a lot like Michele's because you also make money promoting other companies or regular people’s products, but it shows you secrets, and yes they are real secrets because the stuff blows your mind how simple it is you can get hundreds of people to go to a website and buy the products they already want, he shows you how to use twitter and there are all kinds of bonuses. I joined for 77.00 dollars and made 421.13 the fist 7 days, 893.72 by the 14th day, 1728.36 by the 21st day and 2712.19 on day 30 and all I invested was 77 bucks and my time. Now on the other hand you have to work this in the beginning, I mean you will be at your computer for 5 to 6 hours a day, or even more depending on your desired income, but once it was up and running I put in 2 hours some days, 4 hours some days, and took the weekends off. I promoted weight loss products, weight gain products, designer purses at outlet store prices, and yes for my wife’s pleasure women’s shoes. I was really excited to share this one with everyone because it has been the most successful program for me. I increased my hours the 2nd month of promoting to 6 hours a day for 5 days a week, and made $4248.02. You must have a good work ethic for this and be willing to sit at your computer for hours at a time putting in the work, but the results don’t lie, plus it feels good not to rush through traffic to punch a clock.

So there are the reviews, we both could not agree which program is best between http://www.thetwittweronlinesystem.com/ and http://www.theoneweekmarketing.com/, because they both make good money just to a different temperature. However we both agree that http://www.fapturbo.com/ is not worth the time, hassle, or the work, even if it is fun and exciting to do. So save your money on this one, and buy go your wife a new pair of shoes.


Anonymous said...

saw this blog on answers and you guys rock for taking the time to help those of us who are broke. i joined www.the-clickbnk-code.com last night and the program really is amazing,like being introduced to a whole nother world of income and exchange. thanks again guys

Anonymous said...

fyi: forex trading is extremely rewarding, but not to the pockets.

kendra said...

i working part time with the-clickbnk-code.com while pursuing a modeling career part time, they really are helping me to purse my dreams while not starving to death .lol thanks for getting the word out.bill

Anonymous said...

the click bnk code really works guys, been working it for almost a year,just decided to quit my job 2 months ago.

Todd said...

hey kendra, how long did it take you to make some money? BTW nice picture.

jeremy said...

yeah kendra i'm joining friday morning, so that info would be good for me too,and i agree NICE PICTURE

dr. pretty said...

kendra also interested, i already work with www.thetwitteronlinesystem.com ,but i may be able to juggle 2 jobs.

Phil said...

love this blog, i joined the-clickbnk-code.com today and i am working on it right now, this feels refreshing to get a hold of something thats not a scam and actually works

tim said...

i am so lucky to be among such beautiful women...lol..btw the way theoneweekmarketing.com does work awesome, i use the techniques everyday. making $3500.00 to $4000.00 a month with it..... and need someone to help me spend it ladies.lol just joking.theoneweekmarketing.com is an excellent source and has been a big part of my success leaving my law firm.

kendra said...

hey guys, kendra here, it took about 5 to 6 days before i saw money rolling in, and keep in mind, i had free time to work and set things up for those 5 days. since thats been done i make money everyday, NO KIDDING. btw tim dr. pretty and i would love to help you spend your money. but will those be free gifts?

dr. pretty said...

i had to respond quickly on this one. thanks kendra for the info,i'm going to join on your testimony, but please speak for your self when it comes to tim.IT'S NOT WORTH THE WHOLE $4000.00 TO ME.

tim said...

Buuuurrrr. dr pretty that was colder then AIR CONDITIONING, us pretty boy challenged guys need love to, and were willing to pay the extra buck for it..lol ..dont mind me i'm a class clown



marcy said...

i dont know about quitting the 9 to 5, but i admit it ,i was broke and bill showed me how to make money at home.

Anonymous said...

well bill show me how to make money, i appreciate bills review, but im still scared to fail, what should i do please help

michael said...

you should man up and give it a try or be a baby and stay scared. im a man, i already joined

Missy said...

michael is right. be a man, how old are you anyway ?

dr. pretty said...

missy and michael lay off of anonymous. everybody is different and has various gifts and talents.this blog is about working from home successfully, not bashing the tender hearted.

kendra said...

dr. pretty is right, lets keep it non violent. also tim waiting for you to make some great money this month with www.theoneweekmarketing.com and take me on that shopping spree you taked about.;) just a flirt

tim said...

you got it babe, made $3,721.16 in july, shooting for $4,500.00 for august.maybe if i hit $5,000.00 you can convince dr.pretty to come along.:)

billiups said...

a man that's willing to pay for pleasure. Tim you're turning me on.

tim said...

billiups, FYI: dont come around me on payday.. i cant handle it.

Clover said...

tim, you are hilarious.lol

working with the-clickbnk-code.com for 71/2 months. making almost 3k a month.anyone know how i can increase my earnings?

simon P said...

clover i could help you to increse your cash flow, send me your email address.